David Gregory Ebin Obras | Referências Menu de navegaçãoProject EuclidWorldCat216008149083359416091323k1036708039IDn200709025511344106527185n00010313115961577

Nascidos em 1942Membros da American Mathematical SocietyProfessores da Universidade Stony BrookMatemáticos dos Estados Unidos do século XX

Los Angeles24 de outubro1942matemáticoestadunidensegeometria diferencialpalestrante convidado do Congresso Internacional de MatemáticosNiceJerrold Marsden

David Gregory Ebin (Los Angeles, 24 de outubro de 1942)[1] é um matemático estadunidense que trabalha com geometria diferencial.

Foi palestrante convidado do Congresso Internacional de Matemáticos em Nice (1970: On the motion of incompressible fluids com Jerrold Marsden).

Obras |

  • com Jeff Cheeger: Comparison theorems in Riemannian Geometry, North Holland 1975

  • On the space of Riemannian metrics, Bulletin of the AMS, Volume 74, 1968, p. 1001–1003, Project Euclid

  • The space of Riemannian Metrics, in S. S. Chern, Stephen Smale (Ed.), Global Geometry, AMS 1970

  • com Jerrold Marsden: Groups of diffeomorphisms and the solution of the classical Euler equations for a perfect fluid, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 75, 1969, p. 962–967

  • com Jerrold Marsden, Arthur E. Fischer: Diffeomorphism groups, hydrodynamics and relativity. In: Proceedings of the 13th Biennial Seminar of Canadian Mathematical Congress, Canadian Mathematical Congress 1972, p. 135–279

  • com Jerrold Marsden: Groups of diffeomorphisms and the motion of an incompressible fluid, Annals of Mathematics, Volume 92, 1970, p. 102–163


  1. Lebensdaten nach American Men and Women of Science, Thomson Gale 2004

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