Selling digital tickets who owns the data?Is it legal to share a script that scrapes a website and presents in a different format?Who owns the software in this case?If one person owns the parts to a ship, and another owns the design to the ship, who owns the ship?Who is responsible for copyright infringement on P2P distributed systems?Data Subject Rights under GDPR“Right of access by the data subject” if the IP address is the only personal dataThe Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market, also known as EU Copyright Directive and file 2016/0280(COD)How to fulfill the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in scienceWho owns an un-documented cellar/bunker? (UK Law)Can a company refuse a refund of a digital product, even if it has been less than 30 days since the costumer purchased the product?
Phrase for the opposite of "foolproof" Do electrons go to even lower ground states after exothermic reactions? Contradiction proof for inequality of P and NP? Dynamic SOQL query relationship with field visibility for Users How do I check if a string is entirely made of the same substring? How to not starve gigantic beasts Aliens crash on Earth and go into stasis to wait for technology to fix their ship As an international instructor, should I openly talk about my accent? Combinable filters Should the Death Curse affect an undead PC in the Tomb of Annihilation adventure? Checks user level and limit the data before saving it to mongoDB Is this homebrew Wind Wave spell balanced? How do I deal with a coworker that keeps asking to make small superficial changes to a report, and it is seriously triggering my anxiety? How to pronounce 'c++' in Spanish How to denote matrix elements succinctly? Why must Chinese maps be obfuscated? Why was the Sp...