
Showing posts from March 29, 2019

How do I transpose the first and deepest levels of an arbitrarily nested array? The Next CEO of Stack OverflowA question about transforming one List into two Lists with additional requirementsEmulating R data frame getters with UpValuesQuickly pruning elements in one structured array that exist in a separate unordered array`Part` like `Delete`: How to delete list of columns or arbitrarily deeper levelsHow to mesh a region using adaptive cubic elementsHow to efficiently Flatten nested lists while preserving select levels?Distribute elements of one line across arbitrary dimension of another listDeep level nested list addition`Transpose` nested `Association`How to extract the first element in nested lists

Elegant way to replace substring in a regex with optional groups in Python? How to invert MapIndexed on a ragged structure? How to construct a tree from rules? Received an invoice from my ex-employer billing me for training; how to handle? Should I tutor a student who I know has cheated on their homework? What was the first Unix version to run on a microcomputer? Why do professional authors make "consistency" mistakes? And how to avoid them? Why has the US not been more assertive in confronting Russia in recent years? Why don't programming languages automatically manage the synchronous/asynchronous problem? Can we say or write : "No, it'sn't"? How did people program for Consoles with multiple CPUs? How to prevent changing the value of variable? How does the Z80 determine which peripheral sent an interrupt? To not tell, not take, and not want Why does the UK parliament need a vote on the political declaration? Sending manuscrip...